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Das „African Continental Free Trade Agreement”
Das African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), das mit 54 afrikanischen Staaten größte Freihandelsabkommen der Welt, wurde 2021 mit dem Ziel...
“Leassons Learned” vom Namibian Green Hydrogen investment forum
Die Invasion der Ukraine ist schon seit mehreren Monaten im Gange und leider ist aktuell kein Ende in Sicht. Die Bilder aus Städten wie Mariupol...
The African Continental Free Trade Agreement
The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), the world's largest free trade agreement with 54 African countries, was launched in 2021 with...
“Leassons Learned” From Namibian Green Hydrogen Investement Forum
The invasion of Ukraine has been going on for several months and unfortunately there is currently no end in sight. The images from cities like...
Germany Africa Business Forum Leads A German Delegation To The Namibian Green Hydrogen Investment Forum In Paris.
Green hydrogen is considered one of the great hopes for the African energy sector in order to combat climate change, but also to meet the increasing...
“Lessons Learned” From The African Energy Week 2021
The Germany Africa Business Forum (GABF) successfully hosted the European pavilion at the African Energy Week (AEW) 2021 in Cape Town. The GABF...