Germany Africa Business Forum contributes to Salesian Institute Youth Project

The Germany Africa Business Forum, a privately funded think tank committed to fostering German-African relationships, supports the Salesian Institute Youth Project through philanthropic and educational means. 

The Salesian Institute Youth Project is a South African non-profit organization that runs the Learn to Live School which supports marginalized and vulnerable Youth at Risk from communities and shelters in and around Cape Town. The program provides basic education and skills training to their learners who, for a variety of socio-economic reasons cannot cope in mainstream schooling. Their aim is to offer hope through education and employment and break the cycle of poverty. Apart from skills training, the youngsters are also supported by life skills training and extra-school activities, for example, their choir. Approximately 240 learners arrive daily and for many, the meals the school provides are the only ones that these youngsters can count on. 

The GABF was introduced to the Salesian Institute Youth Project when its choir opened this year’s flagship conference of Africa Oil and Power on 9 October in Cape Town. The GABF has seen the impact of the Salesian Institute Youth Projects and what the initiative gives back to society, and proudly supports the initiative. “We are firmly convinced that education is the key to a functioning and sustainable childhood,” says Jessica Stang of the GABF. “Projects like these will successfully support Africa’s youth and future.”

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